For nearly four weeks, the Chick has struggled with stomach aches and nausea. On Trip #1 to the doctor it was decided that she had a virus. She was given an anti-emetic prescription and we went home. The little pills helped her not throw up but it really "bound her up" as my father would say. A week later she was still feeling rather punk. Trip #2 to the doctor was for her "well baby" check up. (What do you call it when the baby is 14?) We caught her on a good day except that she went into total meltdown when it came time to get her HPV vaccine and a flu shot.
Visit #3 found me suggesting that perhaps she had inherited all of her parent's collective bad genes. The doctor found some merit in all of this and ordered an xray of the Chick's abdomen. Sure enough, she was full of crap! (This is the less technical explanation.) She is now taking the new wonder drug MiroLax. It seems to be doing the trick along with regular doses of Pepcid.
While we were trying to figure out what was really ailing her, I found myself feeling really useless. I'd done what everyone was suggesting. I'd taken her to the doctor. I'd gotten the prescribed meds, but the kid still felt horrid. I told her one afternoon that I felt like I had been given a really great toy that I had somehow misused and now I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Rather than making her feel objectified, it helped her know that I really was concerned and I really did want her to feel better. (When I forced her to go to school on more than one occasion, she wasn't too sure about me. I got lots of votes for "Bad Mother" on those occasions.)
So the Chicky is feeling much better. She had a Snow Day yesterday which also helped her mood immeasurably. The good news is that she was bored today. Always a good sign that one needs to get out of the house!
Between bouts of feeling truly yucky, the Chick and her friends Barnum and Lovely Girl redecorated the Chick's room. They moved the furniture around. Lovely Girl made some style suggestions. Barnum came along for a trip to Linens n' Things and the place is almost the room of their imaginings. I need to do some minor sewing and a little craftiness and the place will be put together.
So Chicky... I hope this meets your expectations. Not too embarrassing. Not too personal. And yes, Lovely Girl finally has her own blogging secret identity.
Love, Mom