"Jumping Fox in the Snow" by Sophy White |
I have known for several years that there are a fox or two living in our backyard (aka St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery). Knowing is one thing however and seeing is another. Last night I went outside at about 10:30. The snow had been coming down pretty steadily for a few hours and it was very quiet. It was quite bright outside with the light bouncing off the snow. I was making a trash run and when I lifted the lid on the dumpster, two foxes ran across the yard and over a large pile of snow covered earth. They ran down the little hill and off into the cemetery. It was so lovely to see them. I went and sat on the porch to see if they might come back, but they had gone for the night. As I walked on the drive I could see their tracks- past my car, over to the neighbor's house, under the forsythia bush. It's a wonder what you can see when the light is just right and the world has quieted down.