In looking for a piece of clip art, I found this interesting church sign. I don't know where this church is or really what the sign is supposed to mean, but it sure is interesting what you can find when you google!
1. Are you a hoarder or a minimalist? A hoarder. It makes my husband very crazy. The thing is, we still have some weird stuff of his hanging around too. He hoards, just not as much.
2. Name one important object (could be an heirloom) that you will never part with. Can't think of a thing. Under the right circumstances I think it's all up for grabs.
3. What is the oldest item in your closet? Does it still fit??? My baptismal gown and not hardly. Handmade by my mother and very simple, but very long. Soda Chicky looked very sweet in it at 6 weeks.
4.Yard sales- love 'em or hate 'em? Hate holding them. Hate going to them. Mostly I hate it when the neighbors have them because then the Chick wants to go and buy someone else's junk when we have plenty of our own. Thank you very much!
5. Name a recycling habit you really want to get into. We recycle our papers but we have not found an effective way to recycle our plastic and metal since moving to our new address two years ago. In our former midwestern location, the local township picked up all paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and metal for free. Garbage on the other hand, you paid for by the can. So it paid to recycle, literally. Here our trash is picked up from a commercial dumpster and since we rent from our church, there is no provision for the residential recycling company to pick up from our house. Basically, I have to find a way to be less lazy about the whole business.
And for a bonus - anything you want to add.... When I was a grade school kid in Southern California in the late 1960's and early 1970's, we had newspaper drives. Everyone brought their papers. The class with the highest stack of papers won a prize. The goal wasn't to recycle but to earn money for the PTA which sold the papers. Now when there are paper drives, it's not about class parties but the environment. Interesting how things change.