- Hot flashes - they're just what they sound like. And when they happen at night- night sweats. Oh! And they're also a part of menopause. So the fun just continues. Nothing like wondering "What, oh what, should I wear to bed at night? I'm cold. It's winter, but come 3:00am it may feel like I'm sleeping in a sauna!"
- Breast tenderness - Why does every life transition include this one? Puberty, pregnancy, pms, etc.
- Worsening of premenstrual syndrome - like the other symptoms weren't enough to make you cranky. Cramps like you had when you were first starting out.
- Decreased libido - Lots of women in this age group have teenagers... You know, those people who say, "Not my mom and dad!"'
- Fatigue - see the note on breast tenderness.
- Irregular periods - this does not necessarily mean less often. It may mean twice as often! How is that fair?
- Urine leakage - If you didn't learn to cross your legs when you sneezed during pregnancy, now is the time to start!
- Mood swings - No kidding!
- Difficulty sleeping - You have cramps, you're cranky, you think you might pee in your pants and you can't regulate your body temperature- yeah, you're going to have trouble sleeping!
Okay, I feel better now. I think I'll go have some chocolate, even though "they" say that I shouldn't!