When I was a little girl I really didn't get why we called today "good". It didn't make sense. I wondered if the adults had made a mistake. This was the day when Jesus died on the cross. How could that be good. Fortunately, I caught on after a while. This is a good day. A day when we try to understand the heighth and depth and breadth of God's love for us.
On the RevGalBlogPals I posted these questions today:
- Our prayer concerns are as varied as we are this day. For whom would you like us to pray? Please pray for Jim and his family.
- Are there things you have done or will do today to help the young ones understand this important day in our lives? It was important to me as a parent that the Chick understand from an early age that Jesus really did die. I didn't want her to misunderstand and think that he was just resting. We didn't do anything special, beyond bringing her to worship and talking it through. But she knew fairly early on what happened on Good Friday.
- Music plays an important part in sharing the story of this day. Is there a hymn or piece of music that you have found particularly meaningful to your celebrations of Good Friday? "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded" touches something deep within me.
- As you hear the passion narrative, is there a character that you particularly resonate with? I think it must be Peter in his desires to get it right and his failures even though he loves Jesus deeply.
- Where have you seen the gracious God of love at work lately? In the children I spent the last five Sunday's with. They so got what was going on in worship. And they are ready to share the good news.
God's blessings on your Good Friday.