Today is a curious sort of day. A day which began with an exciting parade and children singing praises to the Lord. It's a day of wonder as we remember that Jesus entered Jerusalem in triumph with all the pomp and circumstance of a beloved king.
And it is tempting to just stay at the Palm glory and give little thought to what will happen next. For Thursday brings a last meal with treasured friends. And a new covenant of love and forgiveness. But it also brings betrayal and denial.
And then it's Friday. A day of accusation and fear. A day of wrenching torment and brutal death. All too quickly the shouts of "Hosanna!" will give way to the call to "Crucify him! Crucify him!"
As you make your way through this holiest of weeks I would invite you to follow the way of the cross. Let yourself be caught up in this most wonderful of all stories. Hear the words as if it was the first time. For there is always more to discover on this holy journey.
Let yourself be transformed by the passionate love of Christ.
Our postlude for this morning is based on the hymn "O Sacred Head Now Wounded." And I encourage you not to leave with the dismissal today. But instead, stay and listen to the postlude. Take a moment for meditation and prayer. And consider all that our Lord has done for us. For he chose the path which led to pain before joy- the cross before glory. May the cross be planted in our hearts this day, so that in its power and love we may come at last to joy and glory.
As you make your way through this holiest of weeks I would invite you to follow the way of the cross. Let yourself be caught up in this most wonderful of all stories. Hear the words as if it was the first time. For there is always more to discover on this holy journey.
Let yourself be transformed by the passionate love of Christ.
Our postlude for this morning is based on the hymn "O Sacred Head Now Wounded." And I encourage you not to leave with the dismissal today. But instead, stay and listen to the postlude. Take a moment for meditation and prayer. And consider all that our Lord has done for us. For he chose the path which led to pain before joy- the cross before glory. May the cross be planted in our hearts this day, so that in its power and love we may come at last to joy and glory.