I am currently taking a class on Parables and Healing Stories. This is my homework for the story of Jesus healing the man with the withered hand.
Sometimes we just need a place to talk, even if no one is really listening. Although, to be honest, I really hope someone is listening!
What did I miss?
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Come walk in the light!
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"Woman at the Well" - Diego Rivera |
the last two weeks we’ve been hearing stories of light and dark; seeing and
not seeing. Two weeks ago it was the story of Nicodemus who came to
Jesus in the dark. He asked Jesus a lot of questions but at the end
of the story he went back into the shadows having come no further in his faith
journey than when he arrived. He just couldn’t see the truth.
Sunday we heard about the Samaritan woman who came to see Jesus in the bright
light of day. And as she talked to Jesus she was able to see him for
who he truly is; the chosen one sent to save the world. Having
seen Jesus, she literally dropped everything to share the incredible news of
the one who sees us truly and deeply. She shared with everyone she met the good news that Jesus can see it all! He knows
everything we’ve done. He is aware of every good choice and every
bad step. And he loves us just as we are!
and see! She calls to her neighbors.
and see! She calls to her friends.
+ + +
the gospel according to John, seeing is about more than just our physical
sight. It’s an important theological activity. It’s connected to faith. If
you see – you believe. So when Jesus calls his disciples to be a
part of his ministry, he says, “Come and See.” When the
woman at the well said that she could “see” that Jesus was a prophet, it was a
declaration of faith. And when Nicodemus left Jesus to go wandering
in the dark, his lack of vision wasn't caused by the shadows of the night. It
was a lack of faith that kept him from seeing Jesus’ true identity.
now today, we have one more story about seeing and believing.
+ + +
starts with the disciples wanting to know whose sin resulted in the man being
born blind. Was it his parents? Did the guy do something before he
was born? There had to be a logical explanation. Human beings crave logical
explanations when things go wrong. And in those days any kind of illness
or disability was seen as being a punishment for somebody! Jesus
explained straight off that sin had nothing to do with the man’s
blindness. Instead, he said that it was an opportunity to see God at
that may sound kind of odd. Was Jesus saying that the man’s blindness was
some kind of elaborate set up so that God could do something amazing in just
the right time and in just the right place?
don’t think so. The God I know isn’t that manipulative or mean
spirited. So
maybe the truth is this. That man was no better or worse than anyone
else. God knew him inside and out and loved him just as he
was. And like all of us, this guy had limitations. We all
do. None of us are fit together perfectly or without flaws.
But despite our frailties and imperfections, we are called to be in
relationship with God and because of that connection to God, things
happen. Good things.
+ + +
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"Blind Man's Family" - Pablo Picasso |
husband was treated for cancer a few years ago. It was awful. He had chemo and radiation and surgery. He was out of work for a year. It changed his life in so many ways, but in the midst of all of that, good things
happened. Because of his relationship to God, his faith became stronger that year. We experienced the love of our God and the care of God's
people. It wasn't an easy time, but God made good use of that time in our lives. Other people could see that God was at work in our lives.
And so it was, that God did something unexpected and rather miraculous for a man who was born blind. Jesus used mud, spit and a
quick bath so that the man could have his sight and so that the wonder of God
would be revealed to anyone who would choose to see.
+ +
as soon as the guy could see, people started questioning the truth that
was right in front of them. The truth just wasn’t to be trusted.
must be a trick.
happens next is like something out of an Abbot and Costello routine.
you the man born blind? Yes, I am.
you can't be. Yes, it's me.
No, you like like him, but you're not him. Really, it's me!
really, how can you see now? This
man told me to put mud on my eyes and wash and now I see.
that’s not him. Where are his parents? Let's ask them.
that your son? Yes, that's him.
But your son was born blind. That's right.
But this guy can see. What happened? Don't ask us!
We didn't do anything. Talk to him. He's an adult!
people who knew the man suddenly couldn't recognize someone they saw day after
day. They dragged the Pharisees into the whole thing and eventually even
his own parents wouldn't stick up for him. Everyone
there could see the change that had taken place, but that didn’t mean
that they believed what they could see.
the experts were blind to what was happening. The Pharisees are sighted
people but they had limited vision. They were so committed to keeping all the rules and regulations, that Jesus just confused them. Why wasn't this new rabbi ignoring the law that they held to be so very, very important. The
Messiah was standing right in front of them, but they couldn’t see him.
The Light of the World was shining bright, but their lack of faith left them in
the dark. This
story is chock full of people who can see, but don’t. They are so
spiritually blind that they toss the man out on his ear. Ultimately, the man is the only person who can see AND believe what he sees.
+ +
has been transformed and being able to see isn’t the most important thing that
happened to him that day. He
saw Jesus for who he was and began a whole new journey of faith. And life
was never going to be the same again.
+ + +
how it is when you’re in a relationship with Jesus. Things change.
Which sounds good. Except that, change is disruptive. Change means
letting go of the life we know so that we can live into the unknown.
man could see, but now what was he going to do? His whole life was going to be
different. He had been a beggar all his life. Now he was going to have to learn a trade. Find some place to live. Make a living. He was going to have to figure out what to do about his relationship with his parents And then there was all that business with the Pharisees. Would they let him come back to worship? The synagogue was the center of community life? If they kicked him out, then what! He might be better off just leaving town. His
day with Jesus was going to impact every facet of his life.
+ +
That’s how it is with Jesus. When you get involved with him, he changes
things. And those changes aren't always easy or simple. New
decisions. New choices. New places. New people. But,
the changes are also life giving. For what Jesus wants for us is a life that is
full and rich and abundant. By which I don’t mean rich with money and
abundant with stuff. Our lives are full and rich because we know that we are precious in the eyes of God. Our lives are abundant because we believe that when God sees
us- he always sees a beloved child.
his letter to the Ephesians, Paul put it like this.
once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of
light —for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and
true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. ..
from the dead,
Christ will shine on you."
we resist the transformation that comes from following Jesus. It’s almost
always a disruption and it can be hard work to walk in the Light.
our lives are designed for this. We were made to reveal the love of
God. We have seen and we believe, and so we are called to let our lives
show Christ’s love to the world. We get to follow the example of the man in
our story. We should keep asking questions. Keep looking for God’s work in our lives. Keep striving to be the person God wants us to be.
days, we’re going to get it right. You go to bed and you think, "That was such a great day! I could see God at work in my life and the lives of the people around me. It was such a good day. A day to be remembered!"
And some days, not so much. "God that was a hard day. I'm worn out and weary and I'm just not seeing the point right now. Please help me."
It's not always easy, but
if we keep walking in the light- if we keep looking for God's work in our lives, Christ
will shine in us and shine bright. It's what we were built for. It's what we do best!
your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and give
glory to God.
+ for Katie because she asked.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
The Story of Leroy's Road Trip
Before I tell you my story, I want to make it clear that most of it is not
in the Bible. It
happens. People remember things. They write down what they remember but things
get left out or edited or invented.
are some things you may think you know about this story and they may
not be in the Bible either, but that
doesn’t mean there isn’t some truth to be found in a good story.
+ +
husband’s name is Leroy. You may have
heard of him and his “expedition.” His
journey. A lot of people think he’s
royalty, but he’s not. Leroy or Le Roi is French “for the king,” but it’s a name not a job title. Trust me on this one- he is not a prince.
of the guys were princes or kings or sultans.
They all have regular day jobs – a rug merchant, a carpenter, a lawyer,
a couple of stone masons. One guy
travels a lot for the spice trade. They’re
regular guys, but they’re also amateur astrologers.
astronomers – I can never remember the difference. Anyway, once a month they go up on this hill
outside of town and look at the stars and the moon and whatever else is up
there. They have these big star charts,
where they’ve recorded the locations, the brightness and sizes of hundreds of stars. Some old guy named Hipparchus made a list of
over a thousand stars, so Leroy and the boys are trying to beat his
number. Every time they find another
star, they add it to the list. Then
they go out for a couple of beers and get up about Noon on the next day. Leroy loves his “star parties.”
+ +

started doing research right away and sure enough, there were no previous records of this star. BUT,
there were some scrolls that seemed to say that a star in roughly this same
location would be a sign that a new king had been born. Leroy
and his best friend, Saxir convinced the whole bunch of them that they should
take a road trip and follow the star to meet the new king.
never met anyone quite like Saxir. He’s
a magus. Do you know that word? According to Leroy, Saxir isn’t a magician-
even though that’s what his name means.
He’s not a wise man or even very educated. Leroy says, his wisdom goes
deeper than that. He says the things
that Saxir knows are from another reality.
It’s a secret wisdom.
not sure if I believe that Saxir has “special knowledge” but he convinced Leroy
and the rest of them that if they followed that star, something incredible
would happen. They would be blessed in
ways that would be too wonderful to even imagine.
+ +
So we packed our bags and headed out to follow that star.
It was a long trip. Too dreadful to even imagine.
It was a long trip. Too dreadful to even imagine.
+ + +
you ever traveled by camel? Across the
desert? It’s not as much fun as it
sounds. Camels
are smelly. You can smell them before
you see them. They have bad breath,
snotty noses and if they’re mad at you, stay out of their way. They kick AND they bite. They also belch. A lot.
And just so you know, if they spit on you- it’s not just saliva.
great pack animals if you’re crossing the desert, but who wants to cross the
desert? Sand in your eyes. Sand in your mouth. Sand in your clothes. Sand everywhere. None of this seemed to bother my husband
and his friends. They were so excited
about taking this road trip, there wasn’t anything that was going to get them
just kept saying to myself, “blessings beyond my imagination.” Over and over with the sway of the camel.
Blessings…. beyond… my imagination…
+ +
star we followed was unlike any star you have ever seen. It wasn’t like the
constellations that slowly move in a pattern with the seasons. And it wasn’t like a comet that travels in a
straight line across the sky. First we
followed the star WEST to Jerusalem and THEN the star took a left turn and went
SOUTH. When we finally got to the king’s
home- the star STOPPED. It just stopped
and stayed there, even after we left.
no astronomer, but I can tell you, this is not normal.
+ +
destination for most of the trip seemed to be Jerusalem. It’s the king’s city in that country and when we first got there Leroy tried to
make an appointment to meet King Herod. However, His Majesty's people said that it would be
several weeks before we’d be able to get an audience. So
every morning they would go to the palace and then the marketplace and then
over by the temple to see if they could find out about the new king. After a
couple of days they knew all the local gossip, but with every person, the answer
was always the same, “No, I don’t know about a child, born to be the NEW King of
the Jews.”
thing they did learn about the old king was that nobody liked him. They didn’t
trust him. And he didn’t trust the
people. Herod has a secret police force
that actually spies on his own people to find out how they’re feeling about
him. Nasty business. People who’ve talked trash about Herod have
been arrested on the spot.
+ +
After a couple of days, a palace guard showed up
at the inn saying that Herod wanted to meet with us. When we got to the palace we were wined and
dined. And I thought, YES! The blessings are about to begin. If all our meals are even half this good, we
will be set for the rest of our lives. Then at the end of the meal, Herod started to
ask questions. Very pointed
questions. Saxir told the king what we
knew and he seemed very interested- but
not in a nice way.
He told us that we needed to go to Bethlehem and
that when we found the newborn king, we should send word to him so that he
could come and pay homage. I had a bad
feeling in the pit of my stomach when we left Jerusalem.
+ + +
We packed up the camels and headed for Bethlehem. When we got there all we had to do was keep our
eyes on the star. It lead us to a little
house. Nothing fancy. No castle.
No palace. And then the star
stopped. Just stopped.
Saxir was so excited he wanted to knock on the
door as soon as we arrived, but we
agreed to wait until daybreak. We didn’t
know who was on the other side of that door. You don’t just break in on a king and his
family. And maybe this was just the
servant’s residence. The wise thing to do was wait until morning to
introduce ourselves.
But none of us could sleep. We were so excited. What would this mean for us? We had all come to believe what Saxir had
said, that this new king was going to change our lives. Would he ask us to rule with him? Would we be given power and authority? Maybe the king would give us treasure. We didn’t have a whole lot of money left
for the trip home. Some kind of
reward or high paying job could really come in handy.
But if this was the king, what was he doing in this little tiny house in a backwater village in a second rate country?
But if this was the king, what was he doing in this little tiny house in a backwater village in a second rate country?
As the sun came up, everybody took some time to
clean up. Combing their hair and their
beards. Shaking the sand out of their
robes and shoes. Washing their hands and faces. We all wanted to make a good impression on
the king.
The last thing Leroy did before Saxir knocked on
the door was to get out the presents. Before
we left home, the guys had all chipped in to buy the new king some gifts. There was a lot of debate as to what they
should bring. I wanted to get something
practical like a goat, but the boys would hear none of it. They settled on three gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. The gold was an
easy choice. You can do a lot of things
with gold. Frankincense and myrrh are also nice. They smell good and they have some practical
medicinal value, but I really though a
goat or even a nice camel would have been better. There was some argument about who should carry
the presents, but it was quickly settled and then Saxir knocked on the door.
The man who came to the door looked nothing like
a king. You could tell right off that he
was a regular guy, but Saxir asked the question, “Where is the child who is
born King of the Jews, for we have seen his star at his rising and have come to
pay him homage?”
The man smiled and asked us to wait a
moment. When he came back he had with
him this sweet young woman and a beautiful little baby. The boys couldn’t contain themselves. They all cheered and then quickly tried to
recover their dignity to make a more formal greeting. Saxir presented the gifts and then Mary, the
baby’s mother invited us all to stay for some breakfast. She left the baby with her husband and the men
all sat down to admire the new little king.
The other women from our group went to help Mary- but I just stood there
staring at my husband.
All I could think was, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This is
why we came all this way? This is why we
emptied our savings account?
I have sand in places that I didn’t know sand
could go! I have a camel bite on my
elbow and another one on my bum. We
thought we would get riches or power or fame OR SOMETHING! But the new king of the Jews hasn’t got two
pennies to rub together.
Wise men?
Forget it! Stupidest road trip
EVER! And to top it all off, I’m pretty
sure Herod has got some of his spies following us. We are going to be lucky to EVER make it out
of this stupid hole of a country!
Blessings beyond my imagination. What a load of nonsense!
Leroy was going to be sleeping in someone else’s
tent for a while. I was so mad at him.
+ + +
But I held my tongue.
After breakfast I went with one of the local
women to help clean up. She told me her
name was Elizabeth and she was the little king’s second cousin or something
like that.
Apparently I was banging the pots and pans around
with a little too much force so Elizabeth knew something was wrong. She took me by the hand and we sat on a bench
near the front of the house. We could see
the whole bunch of them cooing and fussing at the baby.
“Why are you so angry? Are you in danger? Or did someone say
something to you?”
I realized that for the most part, I wasn’t
really angry, but I was disappointed. I had been expecting some one different. Someone royal and extraordinary. Someone powerful and majestic. Not a chubby cheeked baby who was learning
how to eat porridge.
Elizabeth laughed, which seemed a little
rude. Then she began to tell me a
story. THE story. This wasn’t just any baby. Mary and Joseph had both been visited by
angels who told them that this child would be the Savior of his people. He was to be God’s anointed one. More importantly, Elizabeth said, Jesus was
the Son of God. Immanuel she called him,
which means God with us.
We talked all morning.
+ +
I couldn’t stand it anymore. “But what
does this have to do with me?” I couldn’t help but ask the question. “Why would your God send a great big magical
star to lure a group of foreigners all this way? We’re not Jews. We don’t share your God or your scripture or
your law. For the life of me, I cannot
figure out why we are here.”
took my hand, “It’s not about you and your people. And it’s not even about me and my
people. It’s really not about any of us. Or maybe it’s about all of us. This new thing that has happened is all about
God. It’s about God acting in the lives
of all people. With no exceptions.
believe that Jesus was born to bring salvation to the whole world. He is a light shining in the darkness for
people like you. And he is the
fulfillment of all God’s promises for people like me.
will be a righteous judge and a defender of the poor.
will bring deliverance to the needy.
reign will be like rain on the new mown grass.
Like showers on the earth. And his kingdom will be from sea to sea.”
+ +
night we camped out near Mary and Joseph’s little house. In the middle of the night I had this
incredible dream. In fact we all had
it. The same dream. A messenger from God – from Elizabeth’s God –
from Jesus’ Father in heaven – came to us with a warning. We should not go back to Jerusalem, because Herod was looking to kill
us or at least lock us away for a very long time. He would do anything to insure that we didn’t tell our
story. He would go to any length to
make sure that we didn’t share the good news that a new king has been born for
the Jews and for the whole world.
+ +
Bible says that we went home another way after visiting Bethlehem. The truth is other than avoiding Jerusalem,
we pretty much took the same route we had taken before. The difference wasn’t in the direction we
traveled. The difference was in us.
were different. We began living another way. Because when you know that God loves you so much
that he would come to live with you, in the humblest of places. It changes you. We believe that Jesus is going to change the
world, the whole world.
Leroy and I - we aren’t all that wise. There’s nothing magical about us. But we did follow that star. And we did meet the king. And we did receive blessings beyond our
wildest imagination.
It was a good trip. And we really did come home another way.
Rev. Heidi Rodrick-Schnaath
6, 2014
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