About three years ago, my best friend and I challenged my daughter. If she would get her ears pierced, my friend would get her cartilege pierced and I would get a tattoo. My daughter refused. What were we crazy!?! And now, at age 12 and three quarters, my girl has gotten her ears pierced. So now she's wondering about my tattoo. Does the deal still hold?
Definitely! I decided to mark my 40th birthday with a tattoo. It's a beautiful hummingbird (long story behind that...) and I've never regretted it.
I'm just too chicken for a tattoo. And my daughter is too chicken for the ear piercing!
Yes, tattooing is now required of all ministers.
When I was thirteen and wanted to get my ears pierced, my father argued against it saying, "Only gypsies and prostitutes have pierced ears." In the thirty plus years since that conversation, my mother has gotten her ears pierced and my dad has argued that my having a tattoo might be good for relating to the youth in the congregation. I'm not sure if tattooing is required of all ministers, but it sure isn't the big shocker it used to be.
A Luther Rose...hmmm...too bad I'm afraid of needles...(and my mother)...
Oh! Let's open a tattoo parlor that specializes in Christian tattoos!! We'll call it "Marks of the True Church" . . .
Yeah you totaly need to keep your word!
Anonymous- I recognize your handwriting! And this is not a demoacracy! We are not voting about whether Mommy gets a tattoo!
First off, in this case, Anonymous is not a female.
Regarding tatts. My friend is a reverend (and let's say in your more conservative Lutheran camp) and is all kinds of inked up. His ministry allows him to have such tatts because of the culture he serves in. I also know that at conventions and gatherings many of your more conservative Lutheran campers raise several eyebrows and reach for the Tums. We get a hardy laugh at that. For now it works, however I also hope that nothing happens to him.
My question is what about your culture? Will this affect your ministry? Living, at one time, in Philly some people do not share your same views. Will your credibility as a theologian be affected?
Just some questions.
nope! only if you want a tattoo.
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