Piece of Music: The Seeger Sessions by Bruce Springsteen. His covers of some of the old spiritual songs have really warmed my heart over the last several months.
Artwork: I have a copy of a painting in my living room that I bought in Geneva over twenty years ago. It is of a rabbi and a Hebrew student. It was painted by Mane-Katz and it is called The Rabbi. The copy of it here is a little darker than the true piece, but you get the idea. The framed print has hung in every home I've lived in since I finished seminary. I just love it.
Film: Movies are a wonderful thing. I think there are several that have informed my faith. Babette's Feast, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Last Temptation of Christ are three oldies. Recently I watched I am David on the Independent Film Channel. IMDB.com has this to say about it.
I Am David is adapted from Anne Holm's internationally acclaimed novel North to Freedom. It is the story of a 12-year-old boy, David, who escapes a Communist concentration camp with little more than a compass, a sealed letter, a loaf of bread, and instructions to carry the letter to Copenhagen, Denmark. David is thrust into the free world for the first time in his young life as he travels across Europe. It is a spiritual voyage of discovery, where David slowly loses his instinctual mistrust of humanity and begins to smile, share, trust and ultimately, love. I Am David addresses the cruelties, politics, and suffering of warfare while celebrating the resilience of youth and the unbreakable spirit of a child.
It's a hauntingly beautiful film that came out in 2003. Joan Plowright and James Caviezel are two of the players. If you see it in the listings, watch it!
Hi, I came over here from HotCup's blog...(about that lutefisk thing)...fun play and hey, I also like to talk (but I've been told I listen well, too). Thanks for playing!
Thanks for visiting!
I rememeber that print of the Rabbi, since I was privileged to be there when it was purchased. A rather special day fueled by some unusual female rebellion. Yeah, women! I am about to go travelling, but want to check out the David film when I return. Oh, and as for "Biff" - I have recommended that to many friends, but very carefully. Not for the spiritually wimpy! MOUNTAIN MAMA
Mama! I am so glad to see you here! I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip.
The rebellion is part of what makes the print so special!
Is Mountain Mama who I think she is??? Go Mama! Oh, and I love Biff.
Yes, the Mountain Mama is who you suspect it is. So don't look for a post any time soon. ;-)
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