I am looking at the possibility of finding little gaps in the day or the week to spend in extravagant unbusyness ( a wonderful phrase coined by a fellow revgal)... So given those little gaps, name 5 things you would do to:
- to care for your body: I've been having troubles with an old shoulder injury. (I broke my humorous two years ago decorating the sanctuary for Christmas Eve. Hospitals are a very strange place to be when you're supposed to be preaching.) Scarecrow has suggested I call the doctor. The Bug Man says I have arthritis. If I am smart, I'll take time this week to do the physical therapy exercises from two years ago... But what I'd really like is a massage.
- to care for your spirit: I need a vacation! I need some solitude. Hopefully I'll get some after Christmas.
- to care for your mind: I read a WHOLE book last weekend. The Children of Henry the VIII. I need another good book to read to get my brain going.
- to bring a sparkle to your eye: A nap might be good....
- to place a spring in your step: See number four.
Enjoy the time to indulge and dream.... and then for a bonus which one on the list are you determined to put into action? I think I'm most determined to do number one. Plus, I really need a haircut. If I don't get THAT done before Sunday morning I may go completely nuts!
I'm in the camp that says haircutting is excellent self-care! Good play!
Don't you hate that "in-between" feeling with haircuts? My last haircutter didn't do an especially good job with the back of my head...my hair is now constantly scraping against the bottom of my collar, and it's driving me crazy too!
prayers that you find the space for that haircut... and the nap.
We have gone beyond "in-between" to "where are my eyebrows"! And looking towards, "who is that woman with no sense of style".
hair-cut and massage--sounds wonderful! plus with the massage you could get in a little nap...it might work for more than one.
Sister I feel your pain. I have a husband, a three year old and epileptic Border Collie and I'm a full time pastor of a small congregation. Sometimes it is just a weary experience. I think I'll try to nap too =) I hope you find rest.
ooh, massage...why didn't I think of that one?
Always been a fan of Planters, so when you go, you might as well go for the brand name that counts.
get that haircut! also, the nap sounds REALLY good....
Reading really does help...I haven't been able to do much lately, and I can feel the difference.
shoulder injuries... ouch!
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