What did I miss?

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Waking up with Arthur

At 6:45am Soda Chicky leaves for school. She hollars that she's leaving, which really means, "Mom, if you don't wake up now you have nobody to blame but yourself." I turn off the alarm and look for caffeine. After watching the first half hour of the Today show, I turn to PBS and watch Arthur. The Chick hasn't watched Arthur for a few years, but I keep watching. Why? Oh why? There is no intelligent, adult reason, I just watch Arthur. It's a secret pleasure or at least it used to be. Anyone else out there still watching the shows their kids are now too sophisticated to view?


LittleSis1 said...

I still have a soft spot for Thomas the Tank Engine, but I don't get to see him very often.

Ruth said...

I don't know what category I am then :) I still watch shows that I should be too sophisticated to see....

They're happy and comforting and a nice way to begin the day aren't they?

Diane M. Roth said...

no, but we like to watch Animal Planet...