Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.
Your husband had esophageal cancer. He was in the hospital seven times in seven months. This is why you are exhausted physically and emotionally. They think they got all the cancer but he still has to do some more chemo. This makes him vomit. And vomit loudly.
- Oh and he got his gall bladder out, too. Sheesh!
- Your daughter has applied to college. She really wants to go to Susquehanna University. She's picked it for all the right reasons. You are hoping that this will all work out.
- Your grandmother died at the age of 100. You saw her in January at her party. She was her usual good self just a bit more fragile. Her children miss her so very much. Remember, just because they lived a long life doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye. In fact it may make it harder because you're used to having them around.
- Your niece came to stay with you this summer to take care of the Bug Man. She was amazing in her ability to cope with all that was going on. Your mother has visited so many times that you've lost count. The Bug Man clearly has a crush on her. ;-) Your M-I-L was here for ten days as well. It was challenging for both the mom and son, but a good visit. It's hard to see someone you love be in pain.
- You wish people wouldn't just ask about the cancer. You know they're concerned, but could we please talk about something else for a little while.
- You worry that all you ever talk about is the cancer.
- You have papers to finish for that class you're taking at the sem. Deadline is Friday. You may not get them finished, but give it your best shot. It's been a good class for stretching your thinking. It's also helped you see how you could spend the next ten years getting your Master's in Sacred Theology. One class at a time...
- You still have a job. So don't forget to order the Spring textbooks for the store. People will want to buy their books and it would really suck if you didn't have what they want at the seminary.
- Your cat Timothy died this summer. It was sad to say farewell after 13 years. You adopted a new cat last month. He's a kitten. Not a replacement cat. A new cat named Moonshine.
- The Bug Man's employers continue to hold a job for him. This is a really good thing. They have said that he should take his time so that he can come back feeling good. He's shooting for February. You've decided you'll be happy with March.
- You have not completely lost your sense of humor, but there are days...
I really do hope everything works out for the better. =)
My love and best wishes to your family.
We're hanging in there! It's just been a long year. We have lots and lots of hope for 2011.
Sounds like your load is heavy!
I'm sorry!
I hope this post didn't sound like a whine. It's really more of a vent and to be honest, a reflection of the year. The Bug Man's illness has consumed much of our time, attention and energy. But it is not the sum total of who we are.
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