Pseudo Grandbaby is going through a new phase. At almost five months he is totally into oral stimulation. (Freud would be so proud!) He drools, he sticks out his tongue and he can almost blow a good raspberry! Everything goes in his mouth. His thumb, my thumb, your thumb. The postcard from Tanzania that Auntie Amanda sent. The FedEx envelope that looked so good with all that red ink! The antlers on his toy giraffe. It all gets covered with drool. And if the chewing comes too soon after having his "elevensies" then sometimes there's more than drool covering things! It's been a long time since the Chick went through this whole process. I'd forgotten that there's a reason that desperate parents let their kids chew on the car keys when they're standing in the grocery line. Recently we found that clerical shirt tabs are not a bad chew toy. PG can hold it himself and it has a pleasant bendiness to it. Do you suppose there's a market out there for such things? Hmmm.....
I remember that stage, even though my one surviving baby just turned 25 last weekend... *grins* I wish I had been ordained at that point, because clerical tabs are a brilliant solution!!!!
Enjoy the stage; as you know, they grow WAY too fast. Turn your back on them and they're running from you; turn around again and they've gone off to college. Necessary, but sad in its sweet way... :)
Addyson is still at that stage at 8 months!!! She is mobile now so that makes things a little tougher. I turned my back for a min the other day and she was going for the cat's foot, I swear if I did not stop her she would of been trying to put that in her mouth!
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