I have been away from blogging this week due to travels and having the cruddy laptop with me. Plus I forgot the wireless card at home. At least I think it's at home. While being gone a few interesting things (or at least interesting to me) happened.
- Spent some time with Adventure Girl. We went to the Tom Skillings' Tornado Seminar. I now know far more than I ever thought I would know about tornados. At some points, the speakers started to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher....
- Went to a couple of great restaurants: Carnivale for Peruvian food and Tuscany on Taylor. Both great places. Had yucca... still don't like it, but the paco paco and the sangria were great. Had veal with a white wine sauce, squares of gorgonzola and asparagus. Yummy!
- Spent time with Baby Sister and her gang of boys. Baby Sister convinced me to open a Facebook account. Not sure how dedicated I will be and Chatterbox said, "Mrs.. I am shocked you have a facebook!"
- My major project for this trip went great!
- I've slept in seven different beds in two weeks. Fell out of bed number six when the wake up call rang me awake. Have a carpet burn and a nasty bruise on my knee. Feel pretty goofy about it. My uber boss says it has happened to him when he has travelled. Felt goofy but better after that.
- Going home tomorrow. Hope the BugMan remembers to fetch me.
$9.00 a pack, yikes.
Good luck on quiting smoking. I was a two pack a day smoker, it took several tries but I was able to kick the habit eventually.
Peace and love
Wow, that would make anyone think twice about it! Blessings to you in your quest, I know it is not easy.
Wow... yes, blessings. A fellow bandmate just succeeded in this quest, and is so glad he did! Prayers for you, especially on Day Three.
You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!
P.S. If you need me to pick you up, just holler.
My mother-in-law kicked the habit after some 47-odd years. I'll be in prayer for you.
You go, girl!
welcome home soon... and yay for you in kicking the habit! someone near & dear to me finally quit when their lung collapsed... so it's good to have a jump start on it before you have to ask in your head "to quit or not to quit" while lying on a gurney...
good for you and blessings as you kick this addiction. you'll do it! you can! one day at a time.
giggled a bit at the falling out of bed. that is so something i would do. i once almost gave myself a concussion by slamming my forehead into the windowsill next to my bed early one morning, nuzzling in as if it were a pillow. ouch. sorry for your sore spots.
Good for you!!! Prayers ascending.
Hooray for the quitting! I did it 20 years ago right about this time of year. I will sit with you! I know you can do it!
WOW! Hope the quitting is going well. It's hard but you can do it. Welcome home.
I have been smoke free since Jan 29, 2007. I am sure if I (stubborn Marine) can do it, I am sure you can do it too. ( You have God on your side.)
Good luck. I am also trying to get myself to quit smoking. Who would have thought people would pay so much to shorten our own lives?
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