Unless I develop some kind of super sonic hearing, I am never going to hear her. And then when she comes into the room where I CAN hear her, she over enunciates because clearly the reason I couldn't understand her before was because she was talking to quickly. Did I do this when I was fifteen? If I did, my mother should have given me a smack. I haven't smacked my kid, but it is times like this that make me think, "What is the deal with this girl?"
Sigh... Okay, I love my teenager. She helped me with my sermon on Saturday night and even gave Cheesehead a hook for her sermon.
She refuses to leave early for our combination work trip/vacation to the far northern state because she wants to go to the going away party for a member of my staff. She knows that there will be nothing there that she wants to eat. (Ooh! Boiled seafood! I'll eat before we go!) But she is determined that she be there for the Tinman's fond farewell. Gotta love it!
So that's what's happening at my house tonight. I just wanted to grouse. Thanks for listening.
My teenager talks in a normal voice from the other end of the house, then blows a gasket when I cannot hear her and I deign to ask her to repeat herself.
And, as far as I remember, she has never given me a hook like your kid has...
Oh, I feel your pain. I do.
It's fun to hear about your teenager. I had four, who are all (almost) grown up. The last one is 18 and going to college this fall.
What got me through all their adolescence years was the prayer, "Bless _________, change me." (Often said as a mantra, so I wouldn't lose my temper!)
just starting down the path of life with a teenager - good to see what's coming... i think...
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