In an AP report today, Bode Miller said, "As far as my own personal involvement, I would not change anything. I had an awesome Olympics. My preparation certainly could have been different, but I'm not a guy who looks back." Bode! Turn around!! You didn't finish your last event because you skiied into one of the gates. This is not good! I can't help but wonder if he might have won at least one medal if he'd been partying less and training more. I know it's his life and his choice, but sheesh! If this guy hadn't been taking up space on the team, someone else might have had a chance to give it a shot. This whole thing makes me peaved. Not because he cost the USA team some medals. I couldn't care less. It bothers me because this hedonistic, selfish brat has gotten way too much attention. Not to mention the fact that when you drink and ski you are putting yourself and those around you in danger.
Doesn't it say, "To whom is given much, much is expected", or something like that? Yes, I hate to see someone who has been given such a great opportunity just p!ss it away in such a fashion . . .
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